How Big Is Luxembourg In Texas: Joseba Echave

They say that everything is bigger in Texas. If so, just how big does Luxembourg look from the Lone Star State?

By local standards, Joseba Echave is a relatively new arrival. A Spaniard who came to the Grand Duchy not from Spain but from the land of cowboys, Davy Crockett and, well, nice weather.

So, how’s the transition going?

My name is Aljaž Pengov Bitenc and this is Luxventures, your podcasting guide to navigating life in the Grand Duchy.

In this podcast I trick unsuspecting expats into sharing their experience with Lëtzebuerg. What to expect, how to adapt, when to give up and where to hold on. At the very least, we try to provide some emotional comfort.

If you can, please leave a review and rate this podcast on iTunes and Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts from. Don’t forget to like our Facebook page and feel free to ping me on Twitter with any comments and suggestions you might have.

Luxventures will be back next month.

(Texas photo credits: Avi Werde on Unsplash)

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