Don’t Pressure Yourself: Tama Moiser

Not that you could tell in the age of the coronavirus, with the lock-down in place and what not, but it’s end of April and of course this means it is high time for this month’s episode of Luxventures.

Tama Moiser is a New Zealander who years ago landed on Europe’s shores and eventually made a decision to move to Luxembourg. While to some that may seem strange, peculiar or downright silly, it made perfect sense to her. And it turned out to be – to turn a popular phrase – a call that aged well.

As the lockdown in Luxembourg continues and some restrictions are expected to be lifted only after the coming holidays, it is time to remind ourselves that there are far worse fates in life than being an expat in Luxembourg.

Thank you for tuning in – or downloading, as it were – and if you can, please leave a review and rate this podcast, wherever you get your podcasts from.

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Luxventures will be back next month.

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