Luxembourg’s On/Off Switch: Mike Isenor

You might think it weird to talk about curling just as Summer is about to, well, break out. And you would be right, of course. But then again, a lot of things in Luxembourg were weird in the past two or three months, so why stop now?

For many people the past two months of lock-down have only exacerbated that familiar feeling of being trapped (or cocooned, depending on your point of view) inside the expat bubble, with minimum interaction with the local population and the internet as the only lifeline to the civilisation as they know it. Mike Isenor is not one of those people.

Continue reading Luxembourg’s On/Off Switch: Mike Isenor

Luxembourg, eh: Karen Wauters

By far and large Canadians are so infuriatingly nice, that it’s easy to understand why they can get on other people’s nerves. I mean, even the prime minister’s motorcade signals when making a left turn. But what, if anything, irks Canadians in Luxembourg? Or, at the very least, one particular Canadian.

In this episode of Luxventures we talk to Karen Wauters, who has seen Luxembourg develop from a sleepy little place only Eurocrats and bean counters got their kicks out of to the bustling multicultural little place that it is now. Be it bureaucracy, customer service, goods available or culture events Karen offers unique and interesting insight of a veteran ex-pat. Oh, and curling, we mustn’t forget curling…

Continue reading Luxembourg, eh: Karen Wauters