Don’t Pressure Yourself: Tama Moiser

Not that you could tell in the age of the coronavirus, with the lock-down in place and what not, but it’s end of April and of course this means it is high time for this month’s episode of Luxventures.

Tama Moiser is a New Zealander who years ago landed on Europe’s shores and eventually made a decision to move to Luxembourg. While to some that may seem strange, peculiar or downright silly, it made perfect sense to her. And it turned out to be – to turn a popular phrase – a call that aged well.

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Luxembourg, Easy And Complicated, Simultaneously: Gregor Schusterschitz

Some people become expats by choice. Others, by necessity. Some, however, are expats by profession. Most of these are called diplomats and Luxembourg is full of them.

Austrian ambassador Gregor Schusterschitz was, until recently, a staple in Luxembourgish diplomatic and media circles. His musings on Twitter were especially witty. Then Brexit happened and Ambassador Schusterschitz was appointed as head of the Austrian delegation in the Brexit working group. Needless to say, things got really busy really quick.

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Captain on the Bridge: Marjan Golobič

You’ll be forgiven for thinking that people mostly just keep coming to Luxembourg. Sometimes, people also leave Luxembourg. But very rarely do people leave Luxembourg to live on a boat.

As cosmopolitan as Luxembourg has become, it is no substitute for actually seeing the world with your own eyes. And I literally mean »seeing the world«, as my guest in this episode has seen a good part of it, mostly in places that are deep, blue and pretty much devoid of other humans.

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