Luxembourg’s On/Off Switch: Mike Isenor

You might think it weird to talk about curling just as Summer is about to, well, break out. And you would be right, of course. But then again, a lot of things in Luxembourg were weird in the past two or three months, so why stop now?

For many people the past two months of lock-down have only exacerbated that familiar feeling of being trapped (or cocooned, depending on your point of view) inside the expat bubble, with minimum interaction with the local population and the internet as the only lifeline to the civilisation as they know it. Mike Isenor is not one of those people.

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How Big Is Luxembourg In Texas: Joseba Echave

They say that everything is bigger in Texas. If so, just how big does Luxembourg look from the Lone Star State?

By local standards, Joseba Echave is a relatively new arrival. A Spaniard who came to the Grand Duchy not from Spain but from the land of cowboys, Davy Crockett and, well, nice weather.

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Alexa, What’s The Weather In Luxembourg: Max Amordeluso

In this episode of Luxventures wa talk to Alexa. Well, not Alexa as such, although we’ve heard of people talking to the artificial assistant as if it were a real person, which is kind of sad. Rather, we speak to Max Amordeluso, EU Lead Evangelist for Amazon Alexa, who landed in Luxembourg about three years ago on a really cold spell in mid-July and had about a week to get his head around the place he now calls home. Or, to be exact, one of his homes.

What brings a man from Florence to Luxembourg via Florida, how much of a bubble do expats live in and is there a bubble inside of a bubble. And last but not least, if moving to Luxembourg is in the cards, what are the 3 things you should be prepared for.

Continue reading Alexa, What’s The Weather In Luxembourg: Max Amordeluso